العاب ايفون » CF Defense 2

CF Defense 2

CF Defense 2

  • تاريخ الاضاف :Dec 15 2011
  • عدد التحميل:
  • حجم الالعاب: 43.49MB
  • رابط التحميل

المنصات قابلة للاستعمال:iOS 3.2 or later,iPad 3.2-4.3.3
  • مقدمة اللعبة


God's finger, "Drawing War", is now available on iTunes, download it for free!

*** Fight or Die?! ***

The expectations, we wait for CF Defense 2, the perfect FPS game for iPhone. Your hero is the only last one withstanding enemies’ waves of attack all of which turn out in full strength .The game will simulate joint operation of ground, naval and air forces on vast areas. Throw out everything you can if you wish to be surviving!

CF Defense 2 built with the Gravity Sensor System to ensure hassle-free no-finger controlling.

If you are looking for games with classic gameplay, best reputation and in an affordable price, CF Defense 2 is the right choice.

*** What’s new Features in CF Defense 2 ? ***

- Powerful weapons M224 60 mm, 57mm AT Gun and 88mm FLAK with new function.

- Improve ATK fire power and extend cartridge capacity by upgrading.

- 2 Heroes with various skills.

- Military Rank: you will be awarded as with your military rank upgrading according to your EXP accumulated.

- 5 scenes with various weathers and locations.

- Lush different missions in each round.

- 60 Medals will be rewarded to you after mission completed.

We deliver CF Defense 2 as the blockbuster gift to all.Thank you for your long-awaited expectations!

تحميل اللعبة

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Beverly / صباحة
البريد الإلكتروني:[email protected]