ألعاب اندرويد » Old School Bricks for iPad

Old School Bricks for iPad

Old School Bricks for iPad

  • تاريخ الاضاف :Oct 20 2011
  • عدد التحميل:
  • حجم الالعاب: 17.31MB
  • رابط التحميل

المنصات قابلة للاستعمال:iPad 3.2-4.3.3
  • مقدمة اللعبة


Old School Bricks is an action arcade game where you destroy evil bricks who want to take away the most precious thing we have - our memories of the good old days!
A continuation of classic brick-breaking games with gameplay that rocks!
•Classic gameplay 
•Cool bonuses that change the feel of game, like being able to burn the whole level down with a fireball!
•60 carefully designed levels
•Catchy soundtrack
Attention players! Playing will become even more fun if you remember the following:
•You get points not only for smashing bricks and catching bonuses, but also if you complete a level quickly. To do so, it’s enough to hit the victory brick.
•Catch the bonuses that fall from broken glass bricks and tap them to activate on the bonus panel, but remember that the bonus panel can hold only five bonuses
•You will score twice more points when the ball flies at maximum speed
•If you want a cookie and a glass of milk - you can always set the game on pause

تحميل اللعبة

1. لو سرعتك للتحميل بطيء جداً ,يمكنك استخدام برامج تسريع التحميل FlashGet لتحميل اي ملف ذو حجم كبير
2. لا ينفع زر الماوس اليمين "الحفظ..." للسبب الأمنية فتفضل اضغط رز "تحميل" الكبير لبدا التحميل اقتراحا على استخدام برينامج التحميل


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Beverly / صباحة
البريد الإلكتروني:[email protected]